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Jake Orbison

Jake Orbison is a writer from New York. His work also appears in Ambit, the Boston Review,, and elsewhere.

Articles Available Online

Everything I’m writing has been short recently I don’t like to write endings I’m bad at them   Endings must have a stake in what happened, and I’ve never been interested in what happened   Where have we been? Endings ask Where must we go from here? They answer   Some people, lucky ones, can only write endings— as if forever in state of taking stock and gazing out,   as if to fall, to fear, these things could go on indefinitely, as if shadow were just another word for shade

Prize Entry

November 2017

Jake Orbison



January 2015

Judge Sa’b

Uday Prakash

TR. Jason Grunebaum


January 2015

Nine years ago, after thirteen years of living in the Rohini neighbourhood of north Delhi, I moved, and came...


November 2011

The nobility of confusion: occupying the imagination

Drew Lyness


November 2011

The Oakland Police Officers Association in California said something clever recently: ‘As your police officers, we are confused.’ It...


April 2014


Ruby Cowling


April 2014

– I’m down maybe five feet. I take a moment to thank the leaf-filled rectangle of sky, and with...


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