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Helle Helle
Helle Helle (born 1965) published her first book in 1993. Since then, her work has garnered critical and popular acclaim in her home country Denmark, as well as abroad. She is the recipient of countless literary accolades, among them the Danish Critics’ Prize, the Danish booksellers’ Golden Laurels, the P.O. Enquist Award and the prestigious Lifetime Award of the Danish Arts Foundation. Her latest novel in Danish, Hvis det er (If You Want), has just been nominated for the Nordic Council Literature Prize 2015. Her first novel in English, This Should Be Written in the Present Tense, was recently published by Harvill Secker.

Articles Available Online

Wedding Watcher


March 2015

Helle Helle

TR. Martin Aitken


March 2015

I strayed into the church on an impulse. It was a mistake to get off the bus in the village here. I should have...



June 2011

Interview with Jorge Semprun

TR. Jacques Testard

Pierre Testard

Gwénaël Pouliquen


June 2011

The great Spanish-born writer Jorge Semprún died on Tuesday 8 June 2011 in Paris, aged 87. A Spanish Civil...


Issue No. 7

Bracketing the World: Reading Poetry through Neuroscience

James Wilkes


Issue No. 7

The anechoic chamber at University College London has the clutter of a space shared by many people: styrofoam cups,...


December 2011

James Richards: Not Blacking Out...

Chris Newlove Horton


December 2011

Artist James Richards appropriates audio-visual material gathered from a range of sources, which he then edits into elaborate, fragmented...


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