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Hal Coase
Hal Coase works in Manchester. His plays have been performed at Pleasance Theatre, Camden People's Theatre and the Arcola Theatre. He reviews for PN Review and has studied Creative Writing at the University of Manchester.

Articles Available Online

We did not know it would leave us here Our sun sits bored as a dog at noon, gnawing the rocks   No stir, no From here, the earth might as well be flat – this eye its centre, this stone heart its own, all   horizons one drop down and off I am not yet a parvenu; ideas, like books, cannot   content me There is no fact much further than the reach of an arm – desperate, dislocated   This old tongue is dried to the bone I hate the sun, that attrition of seen things, which comes home safe and sound  

Prize Entry

November 2018

Hal Coase



May 2012

Monopoly (after Ashbery)

Sarah Howe


May 2012

I keep everything until the moment it’s needed. I am the glint in your bank manager’s eye. I never...

Prize Entry

April 2015

Smote, or ...

Eley Williams

Prize Entry

April 2015

To kiss you should not involve such fear of imprecision. I shouldn’t mind about the gallery attendant. He is...


February 2011

Middle East protests give lie to Western orthodoxies

Emanuelle Degli Esposti


February 2011

For thousands of individuals across the Arab world, 2011 has already become the year in which the political and...


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