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Gloria Mwaniga Odary
GLORIA MWANIGA ODARY is a writer based in Nairobi whose work has appeared in The Nation, The Johannesburg Review of Books, Munyori Literary Journal and Ebedi Review. She is a recipient of the 2019 Miles Morland Writing Scholarship and has been shortlisted for the Writivism Prize and the Goethe Afro Young Adult Story Competition. She is currently revising her first book, an adventure novel that follows a young female drifter growing up in small towns across Kenya.  

Articles Available Online

How Much Is That Doggie In The Window?


August 2022

Gloria Mwaniga Odary


August 2022

The day Mama threw a cooking stick at Kagonya was a November day so hot that the ripened bananas hanging on sisal rope from...



April 2017

Everywhere and Nowhere

Vahni Capildeo


April 2017

Part of my reluctance to write on citizenship is that as a poet, a worker in delicate, would-be-truthful language,...


Issue No. 11

Forgotten Sea

Alexander Christie-Miller


Issue No. 11

I. As I stood on the flanks of the Kaçkar Mountains where they slope into the Black Sea near...


March 2015

House Proud

Amelia Gray


March 2015

It’s harder to leave your burning home after you’ve spent so much time cleaning its floors. Watching those baseboards...


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