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Geetanjali Shree
Geetanjali Shree is an Indian novelist and short-story writer, born in Uttar Pradesh, India in 1957, who works primarily in her native language, Hindi. Over the course of her expansive career, Shree has published five novels and several short stories, garnering critical acclaim for her contribution to contemporary Hindi fiction. Shree is known for her experimental writing style, feminist narratives, and uniquely poetic prose; her works have been translated into several languages and have often generated immense praise within the international literary community. For her novel Tomb of Sand, Shree was awarded the 2022 International Booker Prize.

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Issue No. 20

Notes on the history of a detention centre

Felix Bazalgette


Issue No. 20

Looking back at Harmondsworth as he left, after 52 days inside, Amir was struck by how isolated the detention...


June 2011

Testament: Two Poems

Connie Voisine


June 2011

Testament What’s the difference? You might wear it out touching, touching, not buying. Like a snail on a stick,...


November 2014

Interview with Juan Goytisolo

J. S. Tennant


November 2014

Juan Goytisolo is one of Spain’s leading writers, but one with a fraught relationship with his home country, to put it...


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