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Erica X Eisen
Erica X Eisen's work has appeared or is forthcoming in The New York Times, The Paris Review Daily, The Guardian, Hazlitt, The Threepenny Review, The New Inquiry, The Harvard Review, and elsewhere. She received her bachelor's degree in History of Art & Architecture from Harvard and her MA from The Courtauld Institute of Art.

Articles Available Online

Under the Eye of the Clock

Art Review

January 2019

Erica X Eisen

Art Review

January 2019

In an early episode of Camus’s The Plague (1947), Tarrou, one of the last victims of an epidemic in the Algerian city of Oran,...



April 2017

The White Review Short Story Prize 2017 Shortlist (US & Canada)


April 2017

click on the title to read the story   1,040 MPH by Alexander Slotnick   Abu One-Eye by Rav...


Issue No. 11

Climate Science

McKenzie Wark


Issue No. 11

Welcome to the Anthropocene, that planetary tempo in which all the metabolic rhythms of the world start dancing to...


June 2014


Charmian Griffin

Amanda Loomes


June 2014

Bound with animal fat, milk, or blood, Roman concrete is hardened over time. Less water would ordinarily mean a...


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