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Enrique Vila-Matas
Enrique Vila-Matas was born in Barcelona in 1948. His works include Bartleby & Co, Montano, Never Any End to Paris, The Vertical Journey, winner of the Premio Romulo Gallegos, and Dublinesque, which was shortlisted for the 2013 Independent Foreign Fiction Prize. 'February 2008' is an excerpt from his novel Dietario Voluble, published by Anagrama in 2008.

Articles Available Online

Writers from the Old Days


Issue No. 13

Enrique Vila-Matas

TR. J. S. Tennant


Issue No. 13

Augusto Monterroso wrote that sooner or later the Latin American writer faces three possible fates: exile, imprisonment or burial.   I met Roberto Bolaño...


January 2015

Litanies of an Audacious Rosary

Enrique Vila-Matas

TR. Rosalind Harvey


January 2015

FEBRUARY 2008   * I’m outraged, but I’ve learned a way of reasoning that quickly defuses my exasperation. This...

‘Where are my shoes?’   Alana is threading her way through New Year party detritus, coming towards him Wallace tries not to stare at her legs: muscles shifting smoothly over the schematic correctness of tendon and bone    Positively Vitruvian, dah-ling, drawls Sober Cynthia, who is the only version of his ex-wife his Therapized® brain can now produce Probably the representation is inaccurate, though a version of Sober Cynthia did exist off and on, during their long, often painful marriage, mainly coinciding with the times when they tried to get pregnant During these times, Cynthia maintained her own body with the fervour of a racehorse breeder, which in turn, strangely, excited Wallace – the hormone injections, the chart with days marked, temperatures recorded A glimpse into some private, increasingly guarded realm    I never liked that woman, says the Therapization® of Wallace’s mother, Xueling – all that remains after a month’s worth of sessions with the technician, who had unspooled memories from Wallace’s chip, snipping at cortisol spikes Refining them into Memory™ I’m glad she’s out of your life As he watches this version of her in his mind’s eye, its ribcage buckles and a miniature version of his stepfather, Beale, appears, growing from Xueling’s side like a benign tumour The Beale-Therapization® waves, yelling squeakily: Women? Who needs ‘em! An avalanche of potential – that’s what you are, my boy    Hate to disappoint you, Beale, he thinks, but the avalanche has long since rumbled down the hill, taking out some unfortunate skiers Atop Mount Wallace, everything is still and cold Even staring at Alana’s legs – the legs of his best friend David’s wife – that staring’s not even for the right reasons; the classic reasons, shall we say: old perv, sweet young thing, et cetera Instead, in this dim New Year light, her legs seem to embody something more, some awesome untapped reserve of kinetic energy All that life left to her, and she has chosen to let David – only two years younger than Wallace, soon to be 63 – into it    An a-va-lanche, the Beale-part squeaks It’s what he used


August 2014

Enrique Vila-Matas


August 2014

Enrique Vila-Matas was born in Barcelona in 1948. His works include Bartleby & Co, Montano, Never Any End to...

Leaving Theories Behind


Issue No. 9

Enrique Vila-Matas


Issue No. 9

I. I went to Lyon because an organisation called Villa Fondebrider invited me to give a talk on the relationship between fiction and reality as...



Issue No. 8

Interview with Deborah Levy

Jacques Testard


Issue No. 8

‘TO BECOME A WRITER, I had to learn to interrupt, to speak up, to speak a little louder, and...

Prize Entry

April 2017

The Bad Thing

Annie Julia Wyman

Prize Entry

April 2017

1.   It must have been around the same time she decided that she really was using all the...


September 2015

Interview with Katrina Palmer

Jamie Sutcliffe


September 2015

G.W.F. Hegel isn’t looking too good. With an afternoon of student tutorials to attend at the School of Sculpture...


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