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Elyse Fenton
Elyse Fenton won the 2010 University of Wales Dylan Thomas Prize and the 2008 Pablo Neruda Award from Nimrod International Literary Journal. She has published poetry and nonfiction in The New York Times, Best New Poets, and The Massachusetts Review. She received her M.F.A. from the University of Oregon and has worked in the woods, on farms, and in the schools in New Hampshire, Texas, and the Pacific Northwest.

Articles Available Online

Cooper's Hawk


November 2011

Elyse Fenton


November 2011

My breath’s the wind’s breathless down-stroke hasty claw like the gnarred finger of juniper just now clambering for a scrap of your cloak or...



Issue No. 20

Interview with Anne Carson

Željka Marošević


Issue No. 20

Throughout her prolific career as a poet and a translator, Anne Carson has been concerned with combatting what she calls...


February 2011

Red Shirts in Thailand

Sam Brown


February 2011

The closest I had ever come to a protest was in 2003, in Bangkok, when I tried and failed...

Prize Entry

Issue No. 17


Sophie Mackintosh

Prize Entry

Issue No. 17

14. It comes for me in the middle of the day when I am preparing lunch, quartering a tomato...


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