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Elyse Fenton
Elyse Fenton won the 2010 University of Wales Dylan Thomas Prize and the 2008 Pablo Neruda Award from Nimrod International Literary Journal. She has published poetry and nonfiction in The New York Times, Best New Poets, and The Massachusetts Review. She received her M.F.A. from the University of Oregon and has worked in the woods, on farms, and in the schools in New Hampshire, Texas, and the Pacific Northwest.

Articles Available Online

Cooper's Hawk


November 2011

Elyse Fenton


November 2011

My breath’s the wind’s breathless down-stroke hasty claw like the gnarred finger of juniper just now clambering for a scrap of your cloak or...



May 2011

Interview with Alison Klayman

Shepherd Laughlin


May 2011

Until his arrest in Beijing on 3 April as he boarded a plane to Hong Kong, Ai Weiwei was...


October 2015

War is Easy, Peace is Hard

Alexander Christie-Miller


October 2015

At around midday on 19 July, Koray Türkay boarded a bus in Istanbul and set off for the Syrian...


January 2013

Three Poems from Strawberry Aftertaste/ Ostateczny Smak Truskawek

Genowefa Jakubowska-Fijałkowska

TR. Marek Kazmierski


January 2013

  * * * zieleń jest zielona   z rana przymrozki   czujesz to w ziemi   w białej...


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