Mailing List

Durgesh Solanki
Durgesh Solanki is a Sociology Ph.D. student at Johns Hopkins University. He studies caste, race, disease, and empire.

Articles Available Online

Isabel Wilkerson's ‘Caste: The Origin of Our Discontents’

Book Review

October 2020

Durgesh Solanki

Book Review

October 2020

In 1498 the colonial explorer Vasco da Gama reached Kerala, on the West Coast of present-day India. The Portuguese first came as traders, but...



Issue No. 1

Interview with Tom McCarthy

Fred Fernandez Armesto


Issue No. 1

For those expecting him to be, as the New Statesman called him, ‘the most galling interviewee in Britain’, Tom...


January 2015

Interview with Rodrigo Rey Rosa

Scott Esposito


January 2015

Instructions: Take the high modernist and early postmodernist experimentalism of Argentines Jorge Luis Borges and Adolfo Bioy Casares. Move...


September 2012

Existere: Documenting Performance Art

David Gothard

Jo Melvin

John James

Rye Dag Holmboe


September 2012

The following conversation was held at the Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, in May 2012. The event took place...


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