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Cassandre Greenberg
Cassandre Greenberg is an artist and writer. Most recently, she completed the audio documentary, Touchdown, aired on BBC Sounds. She was the 2019 recipient of the Michael O'Pray Art Writing prize, and her texts have been published on Art Monthly, The Architectural Review, and others. She has shown works at ICA, IMT Gallery, SPACE studios, and Auto Italia.

Articles Available Online

Self-exposure: therapy and a pandemic


August 2020

Cassandre Greenberg


August 2020

Thesis as cure   On 31 December 2019, I wrote in my diary that 2020 would be a Year of Exposure. I had no...



January 2015

Why I'm Not a Great Lover

Clemens J. Setz

TR. Ross Benjamin


January 2015

Why I’m Not A Great Lover   The circumstances. The zeitgeist.   The inner uncertainty. The lack of belief...


March 2013

Strangely Ordinary: Ron Mueck's art of the uncanny

Anouchka Grose


March 2013

Since the Stone Age, people have been concerned with the problem of how to represent life.   Cave paintings...


March 2013

Beyond the Mainstream and into the Digital

Vid Simoniti


March 2013

Claire Bishop. Everywhere I go, some curator or artist wants to be rid of this turbulent critic.   In 2006...


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