For the first time this year, The White Review Poet’s Prize was open to poets based anywhere in the world. Last month we announced a shortlist of eight poets. ...
Caitlin Newby was born in Los Angeles. She has had poems and translations published in Ambit, Oxford Poetry, and Poetry Ireland Review. She is the poetry editor of The Tangerine, a magazine of new writing based in Belfast.
Articles Available Online
When she comes home there is no fanfare, no bank holiday
Still, the sun shines in all seasons She is greeted with light,
dry winds, the fresh fruits of December ‘What citrus’,
Father asks, ‘can compare to the citrus of Orange County?
O foolish daughter, what winters you have missed!’
On her first night they serve a meal of fish and aubergines
and ask her to recite the details of her Grand Adventure
But Mother interrupts: ‘O dear, how false you are! How altered!
How can you speak that phoney English?’ She will not say
that she too has found things altered, things that only
a prodigal daughter can detect – the sad upholstery, a lock
that sticks, less green in the garden, Sister’s bad new fringe
Though still so far away from things, she knows the old love
must be imminent; it must be home because she’s longed for it
There are at least three Brian Evensons, all of them EXCEEDINGLY IMPROBABLE. First, there’s Brian Evenson, the prolific author of crisp, often disturbing novels and...