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Yi Mun-yol

Yi Mun-yol was born in Seoul in 1948, but his father defected to North Korea during the Korean War, leaving his family in the South, where they had to endure years of suspicion and stigma. After much torment, struggle and poverty, he was able to enter Seoul National University. He made his literary debut in 1979 when his novella Saehagok was one of the winners of the New Spring Literary Contest sponsored by the Dong-a Ilbo newspaper. A prolific author, Yi Mun-yol has published a number of outstanding novels including Son of Man (the first chapter of which appears above), The PoetFor the Emperor, and the novellas Garuda and Our Twisted Hero. Since 1999 he has served as the head of the Buak Literary Center, a residential program for budding writers.

Articles Available Online

Son of Man


January 2014

Yi Mun-yol

TR. Brother Anthony of Taizé


January 2014

Rain falling onto thick layers of accumulated dust had left the windows of the criminal investigations office so mottled that they were virtually opaque....



January 2014

Vertical Motion

Can Xue

TR. Karen Gernant and Chen Zeping


January 2014

We are little critters who live in the black earth beneath the desert. The people on Mother Earth can’t...


September 2012

Existere: Documenting Performance Art

David Gothard

Jo Melvin

John James

Rye Dag Holmboe


September 2012

The following conversation was held at the Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, in May 2012. The event took place...


January 2011

Futures Past: Monumental Memorials of Modern Berlin

Leila Peacock


January 2011

Cities display a worship of history in the monuments and memorials that they choose to erect, through which the...


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