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Bradley Harmon
Bradley Harmon is a writer, translator and scholar of Nordic and German literature. His translations have appeared in journals such as Poetry, Astra, Firmament, Cincinnati Review, Denver Quarterly, Plume, Words Without Borders, and Swedish Book Review, among others. In 2021 he was invited to attend the Översättargruvan translation workshop in Sweden. In 2022 his translation of Roskva Koritzinsky’s ‘I Haven’t Yet Seen the World’ was awarded second place for the Anne Frydman Translation Prize and published in the Chicago Review. He lives in Baltimore and is a PhD candidate at Johns Hopkins University, where he also co-organizes the JHU Translation Circle and has taught classes in German, philosophy, literature, and gender studies.

Articles Available Online



November 2012

7 1/2 mile hike to Mohonk Lake via Duck Pond

Patricia Niven

JA Murrin


November 2012

Notes on a Walk Never Taken by JA Murrin   As a writer I like to visit the places...


March 2013

Beyond the Mainstream and into the Digital

Vid Simoniti


March 2013

Claire Bishop. Everywhere I go, some curator or artist wants to be rid of this turbulent critic.   In 2006...


March 2017


Maria Sudayeva

TR. Antoine Volodine

TR. Jeffrey Zuckerman


March 2017

A Few Words on Maria Sudayeva   Slogans is a strange, extraordinary book: it describes a universe of total...


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