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Anthea Hamilton
ANTHEA HAMILTON (b. 1978, London) is based in London. She was one of four shortlisted artists for the 2016 Turner Prize. Her recent solo shows include: The New Life, Secession, Vienna, The Squash, Tate Britain, London; Anthea Hamilton Reimagines Kettle’s Yard, Hepworth Wakefield, UK; LICHEN! LIBIDO! CHASTITY! at SculptureCenter, New York; Sorry I’m Late, Firstsite, Colchester, UK; Les Modules, Foundation Pierre Berge – Yves Saint Laurent, Palais de Tokyo, Paris. Her work has been presented as part of the British Art Show 8 and in numerous international venues, such as at the Schinkel Pavillon, Berlin (with Nicholas Byrne), the 13th Lyon Biennale and the 10th Gwangju Biennale.

Articles Available Online

Anthea Hamilton


Issue No. 24

Anthea Hamilton


Issue No. 24

A selection of images from our interview with Anthea Hamilton, featured in issue No. 24.



March 2015

House Proud

Amelia Gray


March 2015

It’s harder to leave your burning home after you’ve spent so much time cleaning its floors. Watching those baseboards...


November 2013

The Past is a Foreign Country

Natasha Hoare


November 2013

‘The past is a foreign country: they do things differently there.’ The immortal first line to L. P. Hartley’s...


January 2017

Oh You

Keller Easterling


January 2017

You won’t be able to do it. It is a call, and it is something you only know how...


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