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Annie Ernaux
Annie Ernaux, born in 1940, grew up in Normandy, studied at Rouen University, and later taught at secondary school. From 1977 to 2000, she was a professor at the Centre National d’Enseignement par Correspondance. In 2017, Annie Ernaux was awarded the Marguerite Yourcenar Prize for her life’s work. In 2022, she was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.

Articles Available Online



July 2015

Scropton, Sudbury...

Jessie Greengrass


July 2015

My parents were grocers. For twenty-five years they owned a shop with a green awning and crates of vegetables...


May 2016

Sharon Hayes

Edwina Attlee


May 2016

Sharon Hayes’ In My Little Corner of the World, Anyone Would Love You at Studio Voltaire features a five-channel...


February 2011

Red Shirts in Thailand

Sam Brown


February 2011

The closest I had ever come to a protest was in 2003, in Bangkok, when I tried and failed...


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