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Annie Ernaux
Annie Ernaux, born in 1940, grew up in Normandy, studied at Rouen University, and later taught at secondary school. From 1977 to 2000, she was a professor at the Centre National d’Enseignement par Correspondance. In 2017, Annie Ernaux was awarded the Marguerite Yourcenar Prize for her life’s work. In 2022, she was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.

Articles Available Online



September 2012

Moscow - Petrozavodsk

Maxim Osipov

Anne Marie Jackson


September 2012

  Mark well, O Job, hold thy peace, and I will speak. Job 33:31     To deliver man...


Issue No. 3

Camera & Even After He is Gone, the Cat is Here and I Cast My Suspicions on Him

Toshiko Hirata

TR. Jeffrey Angles


Issue No. 3

Camera You take my sweet sleeping face You take my innocent smile You take my large breasts Even though...


July 2015

Interview with Sarah Manguso

Catherine Carberry


July 2015

There’s a certain barometer of a writer’s achievement that urban readers know well: did this book cause me to...


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