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Ahmad Fāris al-Shidyāq

Ahmad Fāris al-Shidyāq was a Lebanese-born Ottoman writer, scholar and journalist. Considered one of the founding fathers of modern Arabic literature, al-Shidyāq was Maronite by birth, but converted to Protestantism and eventually Islam as he travelled throughout Africa and Europe, at last settling in Istanbul where he would publish the first widely circulated newspaper in Arabic.

Articles Available Online

Leg over Leg


January 2014

Ahmad Fāris al-Shidyāq

TR. Humphrey Davies


January 2014

First published in 1855, Leg over Leg recounts the life, from birth to middle age, of ‘the Fāriyāq,’ alter ego of Ahmad Fāris al-Shidyāq, a pivotal...



Issue No. 5

Interview with Ivan Vladislavić

Jan Steyn


Issue No. 5

Ivan Vladislavić is one of a handful of writers working in South Africa after apartheid whose work will still...


September 2012

Negation: A Response to Lars Iyer's 'Nude in Your Hot Tub'

Scott Esposito


September 2012

I do not know whether I have anything to say, I know that I am saying nothing; I do...


July 2011

Editorial: a thousand witnesses are better than conscience

The Editors


July 2011

The closure of any newspaper is a cause for sadness in any country that prides itself, as Britain does,...


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