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Abdelfattah Kilito
Abdelfattah Kilito is a Moroccan fabulist and scholar, who writes in Arabic and French. He is professor emeritus in the Department of French at Muhammad V University in Rabat, Morocco, and has written extensively about classical Arabic literature, bilingualism, and issues of translation. His many books include The Author and his Doubles (1985; trans. 2001), The Tongue of Adam (1999; trans. 2018), Thou Shalt Not Speak My Language (2008), and The Clash of Images, a collection of tales (2010).  The Arabs and the Art of Storytelling: A Strange Familiarity (2004) came out in English in 2014. Je parle toutes les langues, mais en arabe (I speak all languages but in Arabic) was published in French in 2013. The twelve tales appearing here were first published by the DABA Maroc festival in Brussels in 2012.   Abdelfattah Kilito has won Le Grand Prix du Maroc (1989), Le Prix Grand Atlas (1996), the French Academy Award (le Prix du Rayonnement de la Langue Française, 1996), and the Sultan Al Owais Price for Criticism and Literature Studies (2007).

Articles Available Online

Archaeology: Twelve Miniatures


November 2021

Abdelfattah Kilito

TR. Clare Finburgh Delijani

TR. Marina Warner


November 2021

Picture    Adam has just tasted the forbidden fruit; he’s bitten into the apple and he’s condemned to roll it in his mouth for...



July 2015

Scropton, Sudbury...

Jessie Greengrass


July 2015

My parents were grocers. For twenty-five years they owned a shop with a green awning and crates of vegetables...


Issue No. 14


Rebecca Tamás


Issue No. 14

INTERROGATION (1)     Are you a witch?   Are you   Have you had relations with the devil?...


January 2014

Vertical Motion

Can Xue

TR. Karen Gernant and Chen Zeping


January 2014

We are little critters who live in the black earth beneath the desert. The people on Mother Earth can’t...


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