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Aaron Peck
Aaron Peck is the author of The Bewilderments of Bernard Willis and Letters to the Pacific.

Articles Available Online

The Abyss Echoes Back: Judith Schalansky’s ‘An Inventory of Losses’

Book Review

January 2021

Aaron Peck

Book Review

January 2021

Early in Judith Schalansky’s An Inventory of Losses, the narrator describes the way an ancient form of writing survived oblivion. The soft clay tablets...

Book Review

May 2018

Harry Mathews’s ‘The Solitary Twin’

Aaron Peck

Book Review

May 2018

Imagine a small fishing village on the edge of the world. Its inhabitants are progressive and content. The surroundings...

I guess it must be the flag of my disposition, out of hopeful green stuff woven Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass   Aurora chasing is a favourite sport up in Iceland, one of the main draws for visitors Northern Lights come in all sorts of hues, apparently, but more often than not they are a glowing green – the colour of the equally elusive meteorological phenomenon that gives its title to a lesser-known Jules Verne novel and to Eric Rohmer´s 1986 film Le rayon vert The dreamy final sequence of the latter, as I recall, dilates the moment when the green flash briefly appears just as the sun sinks below the horizon, contemplated from afar by the mesmerised heroine Delphine and her newfound love, Jacques Earlier on in the film, the troubled protagonist portrayed by Marie Larivière overhears a conversation at the beach in which Verne´s Le rayon vert is discussed Whoever sees the fleeting green ray, the story goes, gains an insight into their own and other people´s thoughts and feelings A clarity of vision   A week into my month-long retreat in the solitude of Roni Horn‘s VATNASAFN/LIBRARY OF WATER, overlooking the harbour in the fishing village of Stykkishólmur and the many islands of Breiðafjörður Bay, I sighted a green ray from the writer´s studio located beneath the library Minutes before I was up in the library, surrounded by the clear glacier-filled glass columns that have replaced its original holdings The wind-swept sky that evening had the same pellucid quality For once no clouds were obstructing the horizon line at sunset; this in itself felt like a rare occurrence, one that should not go unheeded I was in the midst of preparing supper when the sun started dipping into the sea These rival claims on my attention kept me rushing back and forth across the room, from the kitchen area to the windows looking out to the West Fjords The sun´s disk was all but engulfed Eager to resume my cooking activities, I nearly turned my back on the green ray Yet before I could pull myself away


May 2017

Aaron Peck


May 2017

Aaron Peck is the author of The Bewilderments of Bernard Willis and Letters to the Pacific.



May 2017

Aaron Peck


May 2017

Bernard, whenever he thought of Geoffrey, would remember his gait on the afternoon of their first meeting. Geoffrey walked with the confidence of a...



Issue No. 10

Interview with Jacques Rancière

Rye Dag Holmboe


Issue No. 10

Jacques Rancière came into prominence in 1968 when, under the auspices of his teacher Louis Althusser, he contributed to...


January 2016

By the River

Esther Kinsky

TR. Martin Chalmers


January 2016

  For Aljoscha   ST LAWRENCE SEAWAY   Under my finger the map, this quiet pale blue of the...


February 2015

Greece and the Poetics of Crisis

Joshua Barley


February 2015

On the Aegean island of Skyros, in the Carnival period immediately preceding Lent, a more ancient ritual takes place....


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