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Jason Grunebaum
Jason Grunebaum is a fiction writer and translator. His books include The Girl with the Golden Parasol (Yale University Press) and The Walls of Delhi (Seven Stories Press), both translated from the Hindi of Uday Prakash, and Manzoor Ahtesham's The Tale of the Missing Man. His work has been shortlisted for the DSC Prize in South Asian Literature and longlisted for the National Translation Award. He is senior lecturer in Hindi at the University of Chicago and a member of the Committee on Creative Writing.

Articles Available Online



March 2013

Celan Reads Japanese

Yoko Tawada

TR. Susan Bernofsky


March 2013

There are some who claim that ‘good’ literature is actually untranslatable.  Before I could read German, I found this...


February 2011

Interview with Manfredi Beninati

Lowenna Waters


February 2011

Time, memory, the landscape of the mind, manifestation and metamorphosis, resurgence and collapse and the crisp crust of Sicilian...


Issue No. 6

Stolen Luck

Helen DeWitt


Issue No. 6

Keith was not the songwriter. Darren and Stewart wrote the songs. Keith hit things, some of which were drums....


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