
Giant Impact Hypothesis

I bought a satellite’s eye from the market.

To look through it involved the whole god-orbit,

a cotton-wooled Faberge Earth –


sight as a megastructure,

hung in my own sphere above a sphere


and above that the umbilical tug

of a natural satellite.


My mouth, too puny to be seen, said to me:

did you think the moon

would taste like a new tooth?

It’s collision, a negative crater

knocked from the planet:

in truth the apocalypse was years ago,

and you can always choose another faith.


 is a British poet whose work has appeared in journals such as The Kenyon Review, Magma, The New Welsh Review, Poetry Review, The Rialto, The Warwick Review, etc, and was most recently anthologised in Dear World & Everyone In It. In 2008 he received an Eric Gregory Award.



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