
The White Review at Offprint London (22-25 May)

The White Review will take part in the first Offprint London book fair in the Turbine Hall at Tate Modern from 22-25 May.

Offprint Projects is a travelling art publishing fair featuring discerning projects across a wide range of media. The 2015 London fair includes books, zines, vinyls, posters, prints, websites, magazines, and blogs from over 140 participants in the fields of contemporary art, graphic design, literature, poetry, philosophy, and experimental music.

The White Review‘s stand will be open for the duration of the fair, and will present copies of issues 5-13.

Opening times
Friday‍ 22 May 6pm – 10pm
Saturday 23 May 12pm – 8pm
Sunda 24 May 12pm – 6pm
Monday 25 May 12pm – 6pm

Offprint is open to the general public and admission is free.




November 2014

The Last Redoubt

Scott Esposito


November 2014

As they say of politics, I have found essay-writing to be the art of the possible. Certain work can...


Issue No. 12

Interview with Douglas Coupland

Tom Overton


Issue No. 12

Douglas Coupland likes crowdsourcing. I should know, because he crowdsourced me shortly after the first part of this interview....


January 2014

Son of Man

Yi Mun-yol

TR. Brother Anthony of Taizé


January 2014

Rain falling onto thick layers of accumulated dust had left the windows of the criminal investigations office so mottled...


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