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Uljana Wolf
Uljana Wolf, born in 1979 in Berlin, lives and works in Berlin and Brooklyn. She has published three volumes of poetry, kochanie ich habe brot gekauft (2005), falsche freunde (2009), and Meine schönste Lengevitch (2013) as well as the essay BOX OFFICE (2010) and a joint sonnet erasure project with Christian Hawkey, Sonne From Ort (2012). Her work has been translated into more than thirteen languages. She has received numerous prizes for her literary works and translations, including the Peter Huchel Prize and the Dresden Poetry Prize. Wolf teaches German and literary translation at New York University and the Pratt Institute.

Articles Available Online

Two Poems


March 2017

Uljana Wolf

TR. Sophie Seita


March 2017

Mittens   winter came, stretched its frames, wove misty threads into the damp   wood. fogged windows, we didn’t recognise each other by our...



Issue No. 9

Ordinary Voids

Ed Aves

Patrick Langley


Issue No. 9

I am standing in a parallelogram of shrubbery outside London City Airport. Ed is twisting a dial on his Mamiya...


May 2015

(E-E) Evgenij Kozlov



May 2015

Madder than the World is a series by Russian artist (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov, who came to prominence as a founding member of the...


April 2013

How to be an Astronaut

J. D. A. Winslow


April 2013

I am standing in front of a room full of people reading out a story. The room is dark....


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