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Tristram Fane Saunders
Tristram Fane Saunders, 27, lives in London. His pamphlets include Woodsong, inspired by the Irish epic The Madness of Sweeney, and Postcards from Sulpicia, a translation of Ancient Rome's only extant female poet. He has reviewed poetry for the Telegraph and Radio 4's Front Row, and performed his poetry at Latitude Festival.

Articles Available Online

Three Poems from The Rake


November 2020

Tristram Fane Saunders


November 2020

The Rake packs up his troubles in an old kit-bag and smiles, smiles, smiles   Holding things, I found, was holding me up. So...



Issue No. 1

Interview with André Schiffrin

Jacques Testard

Gwénaël Pouliquen


Issue No. 1

André Schiffrin founded non-profit publishing house The New Press in 1990 after an acrimonious split with Random House –...


Issue No. 1

Interview with Mai-Thu Perret

Timothée Chaillou


Issue No. 1

Swiss artist Mai-Thu Perret’s ongoing, fourteen year-old project The Crystal Frontier is a multi-disciplinary fiction chronicling the lives of...


Issue No. 1

Interview with Tim Walker

Karl Smith


Issue No. 1

‘I’m not so motivated by fashion and brands,’ explains Tim Walker – one of the world’s leading fashion photographers....


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