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Tristan Garcia

Tristan Garcia was born in 1981 in Toulouse. His début novel, Hate: A Romance (Faber and Faber, 2010), was a critical success and won the Prix de Flore in 2008. A philosopher by training, he completed his PhD and published Form and Object. A Treatise on Things (Edinburgh University Press, 2014) even as he continued to write fiction prolifically. 'Walking Backwards' is a story from his most recent book, 7.

Articles Available Online

Walking Backwards


Issue No. 16

Tristan Garcia

TR. Jeffrey Zuckerman


Issue No. 16

‘Moderne, c’est déjà vieux.’ La Féline   I.   I pretended to remember and I smiled: it was time to tell the story once...



August 2013

Interview with Marvin Gaye Chetwynd

Ben Eastham


August 2013

Four or so years ago, at what was then the single Peckham establishment to serve a selection of sandwiches...


May 2014

Preparation for Trial

Ben Hinshaw


May 2014

Establish remorse from outset. Express bewilderment at sequence of events so unlikely, so absurd and catastrophic. Assure all present...


May 2014

Interview with Conrad Shawcross

Patrick Sykes


May 2014

Though an intimidating sixteen feet tall, the industrial robot in Conrad Shawcross’s flat doesn’t look at all out of...


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