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Brother Anthony of Taizé
Brother Anthony was born in 1942 in England and completed his studies at Oxford before becoming a member of the Community of Taizé (France) in 1969. Since 1980, he has been living in Korea and teaching at Sogang University, where he is now an Emeritus Professor. He has published some thirty volumes of English translations of modern Korean literature, including the novel The Poet by Yi Mun-yol and poetic works by Ko Un, So Chong-Ju, Ku Sang, Chon Sang-Pyong. For this he was awarded the Korean Government’s Order of Cultural Merit (Jade Crown) in 2008. He is President of the Royal Asiatic Society Korea Branch.

Articles Available Online



June 2014

Hoarseness: A Legend of Contemporary Cairo

Youssef Rakha


June 2014

U. Mubarak It kind of grows out of traffic. The staccato hiss of an exhaust pipe begins to sound like...


Issue No. 19

Interview with Álvaro Enrigue

Thomas Bunstead


Issue No. 19

Álvaro Enrigue is a Mexican writer who lives and teaches in New York. A leading light in the Spanish-language...


January 2016


Eka Kurniawan

TR. Annie Tucker


January 2016

Moments ago, the woman with the lovely dimples had been shivering, utterly ravaged by the evening, but now her...


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