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Brendan Lanctot
Brendan Lanctot is Assistant Professor of Hispanic Studies at University of Puget Sound. He is the author of Beyond Civilization and Barbarism: Culture and Politics in Post-Revolutionary Argentina and articles on contemporary Argentine film and literature.

Articles Available Online



Issue No. 12

Interview with Douglas Coupland

Tom Overton


Issue No. 12

Douglas Coupland likes crowdsourcing. I should know, because he crowdsourced me shortly after the first part of this interview....


October 2013


Jon Stone


October 2013

The rabbit darkness just beyond the headlights’ sprawl and parcel darkness stopping up the drivers’ mouths like oaths or...

Prize Entry

April 2016

clerical error

Victoria Manifold

Prize Entry

April 2016

Due to a clerical error on my part, the current Prime Minister is now living in the box room...


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