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Sophie Lewis

Sophie Lewis is a theorist, critic and translator living in Philadelphia. Full Surrogacy Now: Feminism Against Family (Verso Books, 2019) is her first book.

Articles Available Online

Who Liberates the Slaves?

Book Review

December 2019

Sophie Lewis

Book Review

December 2019

‘Make Margaret Atwood fiction again!’ Despite encountering them repeatedly over the past few years, I still cannot entirely believe the sheer number of op-eds...



February 2013

Redacted, Redacted

Les Kay


February 2013

Here the censorship, which you’ve taught yourself, is self-inflicted (low sugar, low fat); it begins with the swinging shadow...


July 2014

Operation Paperclip

Naomi Pearce

Patrick Goddard


July 2014

‘I began at this point to feel that politics was not something “out there” but something “in here” and of...

Prize Entry

April 2017


David Isaacs

Prize Entry

April 2017

Once upon a time, Dad would begin, I think, focusing on the road, there was a man called Watt....


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