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Sophie Collins
Sophie Collins grew up in North Holland and now lives in Edinburgh. She is currently Assistant Professor of Poetry at Durham University. small white monkeys will be published by Book Works in 2017.

Articles Available Online

Small White Monkeys


November 2017

Sophie Collins


November 2017

Small white monkeys stretch around in the dirt beneath a tree but do not get dirty. They pick themselves up and dash away across...



Issue No. 15

Translation in the First Person

Kate Briggs


Issue No. 15

IT IS 1 JUNE 2015 and I am standing outside no. 11 rue Servandoni in Paris’s sixth arrondissement. I...

Prize Entry

April 2017

Abu One-Eye

Rav Grewal-Kök

Prize Entry

April 2017

He left two photographs.   In the first, his eldest brother balances him on a knee. It must be...


November 2014

The Lighted Way

Jeremy Chambers


November 2014

Dad used to believe that the souls of the dead rise up into the air and become one with...


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