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Shawn Wen
Shawn Wen is a writer, radio producer, and multimedia artist. Her writing is published or forthcoming in The New Inquiry, Seneca Review, Iowa Review, and the anthology City by City: Dispatches from the American Metropolis (Faber and Faber, 2015). Her radio work has broadcast on This American Life, Freakonomics Radio, and Marketplace. Her video work has screened at the Museum of Modern Art, the Camden International Film Festival, and the Carpenter Center at Harvard University. She lives in San Francisco.

Articles Available Online

A Closer Joan


February 2015

Shawn Wen


February 2015

Here are a few of the Joans I know. The girl who arrives at Port Authority Bus Terminal in New York feeling uneasy about...


Prize Entry

April 2017

Abu One-Eye

Rav Grewal-Kök

Prize Entry

April 2017

He left two photographs.   In the first, his eldest brother balances him on a knee. It must be...


July 2012


John Clegg


July 2012

He trepans with the blunt screwdriver on his penknife: unripe figs require the touch of air on flesh to...


July 2014

Interview with Geoff Dyer

Tom Overton


July 2014

‘I’ve always believed that an artist is someone who turns everything that happens to him to his advantage’, Geoff...


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