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Seno Gumira Ajidarma
Seno Gumira Ajidarma is one of Indonesia’s best known and most widely published writers. He has authored many novels, collections of short stories, essays, and several plays and volumes of poetry. He has won multiple awards for his work including the prestigious SEAWrite award for his contributions to Southeast Asian literature in 1997. Translations of his works include his collection of short stories focused on Indonesia’s brutal occupation of East Timor, Eyewitness (1995); a collection of short stories, essays and a play centering on the end of the Suharto regime, Jakarta at a Certain Point in Time (2002); and his experimental novel, Jazz, Perfume, and the Incident (2013). Seno lives in Jakarta and is currently working on a multi-volume martial arts epic novel, Nagabumi.

Articles Available Online



January 2018

Seno Gumira Ajidarma

TR. Michael Bodden


January 2018

Ten minutes before the floodwaters arrived, Pak Prawiro died. Who knows to where his soul sped off. Now only his body remained by his...



Issue No. 17

Ada Kaleh

Alexander Christie-Miller


Issue No. 17

When King Carol II of Romania set foot on the tiny Danubian island of Ada Kaleh on 4 May...


January 2017

Take Comfort

Heather Radke


January 2017

I. One week after Buzz and Heather broke up, she dragged her mattress into her living room. She moved...


September 2012


Cutter Streeby


September 2012

The first time I think I saw Robinson? I’d have to have been leaving Yucaipa. He was on an...


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