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Sarah Schulman
Sarah Schulman was born in New York City in 1958. She is a novelist, nonfiction writer, playwright, screenwriter and AIDS historian. Her novels include Girls, Visions and Everything (1986), Empathy (1992), Rat Bohemia (1995), People in Trouble (1990), The Child (2007), The Mere Future (2009), The Cosmopolitans (2016) and Maggie Terry (2018). Her non fiction includes Gentrification of the Mind: Witness to a Lost Imagination (2012) and Let the Record Show: A Political History of ACT UP New York, 1987-1993 (2021).

Articles Available Online



May 2014

Preparation for Trial

Ben Hinshaw


May 2014

Establish remorse from outset. Express bewilderment at sequence of events so unlikely, so absurd and catastrophic. Assure all present...


Issue No. 17

Winter Diary

Galina Rymbu

TR. Joan Brooks


Issue No. 17

who bravely blasts their breath through the horn flares of gloomy streets, into dripping construction trailers, dropped by the...


September 2011

Interview with Cornelia Parker

Lowenna Waters


September 2011

Cornelia Parker has over the past twenty years carved out a reputation as one of Britain’s most respected sculptors...


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