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Sam Riviere
Sam Riviere's most recent publication is Safe Mode (Test Centre, 2017), an ambient novel.

Articles Available Online

Interview with Dag Solstad


June 2018

Sam Riviere

TR. Audun Mortensen


June 2018

According to some, Dag Solstad, who was born in Sandefjord in 1941, is Norway’s pre-eminent living novelist. From 1969’s Patina! Green! to The Insoluble...


Prize Entry

April 2017

The Critic of Tombs

Ethan Davison

Prize Entry

April 2017

Emilia came to Tombs [1] in the twelfth year of the interregnum. It was the first time in history...


July 2014

Another month, another year, another crisis: eleven years in Beirut

Paul Cochrane


July 2014

Rumours of impending conflict can wreak a particular type of havoc. This is not as physically manifest as the...


March 2016

Seeing from behind: Park McArthur

Anna Gritz


March 2016

In a public conversation between Park McArthur and Isla Leaver Yap that accompanied the former’s exhibition Poly at the...


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