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RZ Baschir
RZ Baschir lives in London. She is currently working on her first short story collection, which explores the themes of witchcraft, body horror, and the relationships between waking and dream life.

Articles Available Online

The Chicken


August 2021

RZ Baschir


August 2021

I’ve always lived with Aunt and Uncle. They’re the only sisterfuckers I’ve ever had, and I’ve always lived with them. The house is cold...



Issue No. 9

Leaving Theories Behind

Enrique Vila-Matas


Issue No. 9

I. I went to Lyon because an organisation called Villa Fondebrider invited me to give a talk on the relationship...


June 2017

Austrian Murder Case

Phoebe Power


June 2017

At the Konditorei   Close, warm, and humming with the relaxed sounds of post- midday Kaffee-Kuchen. The  cakes are...

Prize Entry

April 2015

Les Archives du Coeur

Paul McQuade

Prize Entry

April 2015

The bike wheels skit and bounce on the loose dirt path. The smell of hot rubber and the smell...


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