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Rosalind Harvey
Rosalind Harvey’s translation of Juan Pablo Villalobos’ debut novel Down the Rabbit Hole was shortlisted for the 2011 Guardian First Book Award and the Oxford-Weidenfeld Prize. Her co-translation of Dublinesque by Enrique Vila-Matas was shortlisted for the 2013 Independent Foreign Fiction Prize and longlisted for the 2014 IMPAC Award. She is a past committee member of the UK Translators Association and founding member and chair of the Emerging Translators Network.

Articles Available Online



May 2014

Preparation for Trial

Ben Hinshaw


May 2014

Establish remorse from outset. Express bewilderment at sequence of events so unlikely, so absurd and catastrophic. Assure all present...


April 2012

Ryan Trecartin: The Real Internet is Inside You

Patrick Langley


April 2012

 ‘What’s that buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzing?’ Marshall McLuhan   1: Your Original Is Having A Complete Human Change Meltdown Makeover   It’s...


January 2015

Adventures in Immediate...

Max Blecher

TR. Michael Henry Heim


January 2015

I can picture myself as a small child wearing a nightshirt that comes down to my heels. I am...


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