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Roland Glasser
Roland Glasser translates literary and genre fiction from French, as well as art, travel, and assorted non-fiction. He studied theatre, cinema, and art history in the UK and France, and has worked extensively in the performing arts, chiefly as a lighting designer. He is a French Voices and PEN Translates award winner and serves on the Committee of the UK Translators Association. Having lived in Paris for many years, he is currently based in London.

Articles Available Online



February 2016

The Reactive

Masande Ntshanga


February 2016

My back cramps on the toilet bowl. I stretch it. Then I take two more painkillers and look down...


January 2014

Son of Man

Yi Mun-yol

TR. Brother Anthony of Taizé


January 2014

Rain falling onto thick layers of accumulated dust had left the windows of the criminal investigations office so mottled...


Issue No. 18

Interview with Eileen Myles

Maria Dimitrova


Issue No. 18

I sat across from Eileen Myles at a large empty table in her London publisher’s office a few hours...


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