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Ravi Ghosh
Ravi Ghosh is a journalist and critic. His writing has appeared in the Guardian, the Economist, the Financial Times, Prospect and Verso, among other places. He also covers art and experimental music for Elephant magazine.

Articles Available Online

Interview with Havi Carel


September 2020

Ravi Ghosh


September 2020

On 19 March 2020, a video recorded by 39-year-old Tara Jane Langston from an intensive care bed in London’s Hillingdon Hospital went viral. Visibly...



May 2011

Interview with Desmond Hogan

Ben Eastham

Jacques Testard


May 2011

Desmond Hogan is probably the most famous Irish writer you’ve never heard of. In the early 1980s, with numerous...

Prize Entry

April 2016


Karina Lickorish Quinn

Prize Entry

April 2016

After her daughter had – for the third time, no less – laid her eggs in the fruit bowl,...


Issue No. 20

Notes on the history of a detention centre

Felix Bazalgette


Issue No. 20

Looking back at Harmondsworth as he left, after 52 days inside, Amir was struck by how isolated the detention...


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