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Pierre Senges
Pierre Senges is the author of fourteen books and over sixty plays for radio. His original fictions often unfold in the margins of other texts as commentaries, inversions, and variations on existing texts and historical figures. He is the recipient of prizes for Ruines-de-Rome (2002) and Veuves au maquillage (2000), as well as for his radio work. His most recent book Achab (séquelles) won the Prix Wepler in 2015. Two translations of Senges into English are forthcoming: Fragments of Lichtenberg (Dalkey Archive Press) and The Major Refutation (Contra Mundum Press).

Articles Available Online



January 2016

Pierre Senges

TR. Jacob Siefring


January 2016

‘Suite’ was born of an invitation Pierre Senges received to contribute to an anthology on the future of the novel (Devenirs du roman, published by Inculte/Naïf...



January 2011

Futures Past: Monumental Memorials of Modern Berlin

Leila Peacock


January 2011

Cities display a worship of history in the monuments and memorials that they choose to erect, through which the...


February 2017

In Case of Death

David Nash


February 2017

1. Cessation of Breath: Is He Breathing?   He’s not breathing, and he cannot go on like this. He...


September 2016

Colonel Lágrimas

Carlos Fonseca

TR. Megan McDowell


September 2016

The colonel must be looked at from up close. We have to approach him, get near enough to be...


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