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Philomena Epps
Philomena Epps is an art critic and writer based in London. She is also the founding editor and publisher of Orlando.

Articles Available Online

Anna Maria Maiolino, Making Love Revolutionary

Art Review

December 2019

Philomena Epps

Art Review

December 2019

In 1977, a group of mothers began to meet on Thursday afternoons in Plaza de Mayo, the site of the presidential palace in Buenos...
Alina Szapocznikow, Human Landscapes

Art Review

December 2017

Philomena Epps

Art Review

December 2017

‘I produce awkward objects,’ the sculptor Alina Szapocznikow wrote in 1972. ‘Of all the manifestations of the ephemeral, the human body is the most...



Issue No. 7

Pyramid Schemes: Reading the Shard

Lawrence Lek


Issue No. 7

These sketches were created to illustrate an essay by Lawrence Lek in The White Review No. 7, ‘Pyramid Schemes:...


January 2012

Matisse: Tahiti (1930)

Campbell McGrath


January 2012

If I were young again I would forego Tahiti and move to America to begin a new life in...


Issue No. 5

Interview with Hans Ulrich Obrist

Ben Eastham


Issue No. 5

Hans Ulrich Obrist is a compulsive note taker. For the duration of our interview one hand twitches a pen...


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