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P Kearney Byrne
P Kearney Byrne is based in Galway. Her stories have appeared in The Dublin Review, Banshee, The Irish Times, Per Contra and other journals in Ireland and the USA. She is the recipient of the John McGahern, Francis MacManus, Penguin Ireland and Bryan MacMahon Awards for fiction. She is working on a story collection assisted by funding from the Irish Arts Council.

Articles Available Online

Tents, Brittas Bay, 1976


August 2021

P Kearney Byrne


August 2021

The last fella was baby-faced with tufty brown hair and it was Majella’s turn to sit in front. He’d been crapping on about what...



January 2013

A Black Hat, Silence and Bombshells : Michael Hofmann at Cambridge & After

Stephen Romer


January 2013

The black hat and the black coat I was familiar with, before I knew their owner. It was Cambridge,...


Issue No. 1

Interview with Manfred Mohr

Alice Hattrick


Issue No. 1

Lines of varying thickness rotate on black. On the screen beside, tilted away from the first, is a slide...


Issue No. 15

A Weekend With My Own Death

Gabriela Wiener

TR. Lucy Greaves


Issue No. 15

We all have tombs from which we travel. To reach mine I have to get a lift with some...


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