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Naomi Frisby
Naomi Frisby is working towards a PhD in Creative Writing at Sheffield Hallam University. She runs the blog The Writes of Woman, a celebration of female writers and their books.

Articles Available Online

Role Play

Prize Entry

April 2016

Naomi Frisby

Prize Entry

April 2016

Your right hand is the first to go. One Sunday afternoon as you’re sitting on the sofa reading the papers, it detaches itself at...



March 2017

Interview with Rodrigo Hasbún

Enea Zaramella

Rodrigo Hasbún

TR. Sophie Hughes


March 2017

Rodrigo Hasbún (born Cochabamba, Bolivia, 1981) has published two novels and a collection of short stories; he was selected...


May 2011

On the Relative Values of Humility and Arrogance; or the Confusing Complications of Negative Serendipity

Annabel Howard


May 2011

On a distinctly drizzly Wednesday evening in February a friend of mine looked at me and said: ‘Only those who...


September 2012


Cutter Streeby


September 2012

The first time I think I saw Robinson? I’d have to have been leaving Yucaipa. He was on an...


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