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Mikaella Clements
Mikaella Clements is an Australian writer currently based in Berlin. With her wife, Onjuli Datta, she co-wrote The View Was Exhausting, a modern love story about power, privilege and fame.

Articles Available Online

Ye Are Not Gawain

Film Review

November 2021

Mikaella Clements

Film Review

November 2021

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is a tricky poem, in the literal sense that it’s full of tricks: a rug repeatedly pulled out...



November 2015

Interview with Dor Guez

Helen Mackreath


November 2015

Dor Guez, artist, scholar, photographer, archivist, wants to avoid being classified, but it’s difficult not to fall into the...


March 2015

The Mask

Roger Caillois

TR. Jeffrey Stuker


March 2015

Here I offer some reflections and several facts potentially useful for a phenomenology of the mask. Needless to say,...


August 2013

Interview with Marvin Gaye Chetwynd

Ben Eastham


August 2013

Four or so years ago, at what was then the single Peckham establishment to serve a selection of sandwiches...


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