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Megan N. Liberty
Megan N. Liberty is an arts writer and editor based in Brooklyn. Her interests include artists’ books, ephemera, and other intersections of text and image. She has a master’s in Art History from the Courtauld Institute of Art in London and is the Art Books section editor at the Brooklyn Rail.

Articles Available Online

Martha Rosler, Irrespective

Art Review

January 2019

Megan N. Liberty

Art Review

January 2019

Long before the advent of ‘fake news’, Martha Rosler was teaching us how to think critically about documentary imagery and reporting. Irrespective, the artist’s...



Issue No. 4

Tibetan Kitsch

Evan Harris


Issue No. 4

I first glimpsed the Potala Palace behind the bending legs of a prostitute. She swayed, obscuring a vista of...


Issue No. 2

The Surrealist Section of the Harry Ransom Center

Diego Trelles Paz

TR. Janet Hendrickson


Issue No. 2

To Enrique Fierro and Ida Vitale—   Just like you, muchachos, I didn’t believe in ghosts, and if I’d...


May 2014

Preparation for Trial

Ben Hinshaw


May 2014

Establish remorse from outset. Express bewilderment at sequence of events so unlikely, so absurd and catastrophic. Assure all present...


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