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Matthew James Holman
Matthew James Holman is a researcher, poet, and critic. Matthew’s writing can be found in Frieze, Burlington Contemporary, The White Review and Apollo. He finished his PhD, on the curatorial career of Frank O’Hara, in 2020, and teaches at University College London and Queen Mary University of London.

Articles Available Online

Interview with Peter Gizzi


August 2020

Matthew James Holman


August 2020

I first met Peter Gizzi in early March, when he gave a reading for about 150 people in a cramped backroom of SET, a...



February 2011

Interview with David Vann

Marissa Cox


February 2011

I am a little apprehensive about meeting David Vann for the first time. His father committed suicide when David...


February 2011

Interview with Manfredi Beninati

Lowenna Waters


February 2011

Time, memory, the landscape of the mind, manifestation and metamorphosis, resurgence and collapse and the crisp crust of Sicilian...


Issue No. 2

Gay Madonnas in Montevergine: The Feast of Mamma Schiavona

Annabel Howard


Issue No. 2

We are crowded into the medium-sized piazza before the sanctuary of Montevergine. There is no town or village; it...


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