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Marina Cashdan
Marina Cashdan has been a regular contributor to Frieze, Artinfo, Wallpaper, Whitewall, Departures, The New York Times Magazine, and The Huffington Post. Most recently she was the executive editor at Modern Painters. She is currently pursuing research grants in the arts and working on various curatorial and book projects.

Articles Available Online



July 2012

Run, Comrades, #YOLO! — Cursory Notes on Radical Hashtag Forms

Huw Lemmey


July 2012

I’m not up on the Internet, but I hear that is a democratic possibility. People can connect with each...


October 2012

Pressed Up Against the Immediate

Rye Dag Holmboe


October 2012

The author Philip Pullman recently criticised the overuse of the present tense in contemporary literature, a criticism he stretched...


Issue No. 2

Interview with Michael Hardt

Chris Catanese

Karim Wissa


Issue No. 2

Michael Hardt is a philosopher and theorist best known for his collaboration with Antonio Negri on a trilogy of...


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