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Lola Oh

Lola Oh is a Brit(ish) poet, born to a Jamaican mother and a Nigerian father. Based in South London, Lola uses her work to explore blackness, family, and loss. Lola is currently a member of Griot’s Well, is an alumn of the Roundhouse Poetry Collective and Barbican Young Poets, and was a finalist in the 2021 Roundhouse Poetry Slam.

Articles Available Online

Bad Daughters

Prize Entry

June 2023

Lola Oh

Prize Entry

June 2023

After Frannie Choi   leaving, good daughters staying home with the light switched on. bad daughters find god in the pulpit of a man,...



May 2014

The Interzone and Dexter Dalwood

Sarah Hegenbart

Dexter Dalwood


May 2014

‘Burroughs in Tangier’ (2005) has captivated me ever since its display in the 2010 Turner Prize Exhibition. The work...


March 2013

If Not, Not

Natasha Soobramanien


March 2013

This story may or may not end in Venice and in silent, unacknowledged tragedy but let it begin here,...


February 2011

Old media, new year: China’s CCTV woos the nation’s netizens

Shepherd Laughlin


February 2011

The CCTV New Year’s gala broadcast, known in Mandarin as Chunwan, is probably the most massive media event you’ve...


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