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Kyoo Lee

Kyoo Lee is the author of Reading Descartes Otherwise: Blind, Mad, Dreamy, and Bad (2012) and Professor of Philosophy at the City University of New York. Trained in European Philosophy & Literary Theory, she writes widely in the intersecting fields of the Arts & the Humanities, and her current projects include three books on Daodejing (Laozi), The Passions of the Soul (Descartes), and The Second Sex (de Beauvoir). []

Articles Available Online

Interview with Vanessa Place


October 2014

Kyoo Lee

Jacob Bromberg


October 2014

Vanessa Place is widely considered to be one of the figureheads of contemporary conceptual poetry, yet while books such as the seminal Notes on...



December 2013

Interview with Tess Jaray

Lily Le Brun


December 2013

In the light-filled rooms of The Piper Gallery is a painting show that features no paint. Brought together by...


July 2013

Redressing the Balance: Women in the Art World

Louisa Elderton


July 2013

London is among the capitals of the international art world. Every day and night is witness to innumerable new...


Issue No. 17

Ada Kaleh

Alexander Christie-Miller


Issue No. 17

When King Carol II of Romania set foot on the tiny Danubian island of Ada Kaleh on 4 May...


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