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Kit Maude
Kit Maude is a translator based in Buenos Aires. He has translated dozens of classic and contemporary Latin American writers such as Armonía Somers, Jorge Luis Borges, Lolita Copacabana, and Ariel Magnus for a wide array of publications and writes reviews and criticism for several different outlets in Spanish and English including the Times Literary Supplement, Revista Ñ and Otra Parte.  

Articles Available Online



September 2011

First Blimp

Joshua Trotter


September 2011

Removing colour from my thoughts, I formed a winter ball. I threw it. The dead were uncounted. There was...


November 2012

Religion and the Movies

Aidan Cottrell Boyce


November 2012

When the Roman Empire ruled the world, you could make it work for you. The women, the hospitality. You...


Issue No. 7

Interview with Keston Sutherland

Natalie Ferris


Issue No. 7

Said by the New Statesman to be ‘at the forefront of the experimental movement in contemporary British poetry’, Keston...


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