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Kirill Medvedev
Born in Moscow, in 1975, Kirill Medvedev has recently emerged as one of the most exciting, unpredictable voices on the Russian literary scene. Widely published and acclaimed as a poet, he is also is an activist for labour and a member of the Russian Socialist movement Vpered [Forward]. He contributes essays regularly to Chto Delat’, and other opposition magazines. His small press, The Free Marxist Publishing House [SMI], has recently released his translations of Pasolini, Eagleton, and Goddard, as well as numerous books at the intersection of literature, art and politics, including a collection of his own essays. It's No Good, a collection of his poems and essays, is published by Fitzcarraldo Editions in June 2015. As always, it is published without the author's permission. 'Europe' was composed in October 2002, on the road to and from a poetry festival in Rome. It would be Medvedev’s last published poem before he left the literary world.

Articles Available Online



May 2015

Kirill Medvedev

TR. Keith Gessen


May 2015

I’m riding the bus with a group of athletes from some provincial town they’re going to a competition in Milan; our bus has stopped...



June 2013

Jean Genet in Spain

Juan Goytisolo

TR. Peter Bush


June 2013

‘1932. Spain at the time was over-run with vermin, its beggars. They went from village to village, in Andalusia...


April 2012

Oradour-sur-Glane: Reflections on the Culture of Memorial in Europe

Will Stone


April 2012

Que nos caravanes s’avancent Vers ce lieu marqué par le sang Une plaie au coeur de la France Y...


January 2015


Minae Mizumura

TR. Juliet Winters Carpenter


January 2015

This is an excerpt from the novel published in Japanese as Shishosetsu from left to right (私小説 from left...


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