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Julia Kozakiewicz
Julia Kozakiewicz is a researcher and curator based in Amsterdam, Netherlands with links to Warsaw, London, and Berlin. She has worked closely to support the work of multiple international artists, thinkers and filmmakers inside major museums and institutions across the world. With a focus on moving image and photography, Julia explores notions of social and environmental justice, memory and identity in times of conflict.

Articles Available Online



May 2011

On the Relative Values of Humility and Arrogance; or the Confusing Complications of Negative Serendipity

Annabel Howard


May 2011

On a distinctly drizzly Wednesday evening in February a friend of mine looked at me and said: ‘Only those who...


March 2017


Hoda Barakat

TR. Marilyn Booth


March 2017

Hoda Barakat’s The Kingdom of this Earth turns to the history of Lebanese Maronite Christians, from the Mandate period...


May 2012

Film: Palestine Festival of Literature

Omar Robert Hamilton


May 2012

Resistance needs to be recorded. Resistance needs symbols: ideas that can travel faster than speech, last longer than memory....


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