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Juan Pablo Meneses

Juan Pablo Meneses is a writer and journalist from Santiago de Chile. He is the author of several books, including Equipaje de mano (2003), La vida de una vaca (2008) and Niños futbolistas (2013). He studied journalism in Santiago and in Barcelona. In Mexico he edited Generación ¡Bang! (2012), an anthology of young narco-crónica writers, while in Buenos Aires he founded the Portable Journalism School (Escuela de Periodismo Portátil). He currently lives in Chile, where he is the editor of the daily Hoyxhoy and teaches at Universidad de Chile. ‘A Grenade for River Plate’ (‘Una granada para River Plate’) was first published in Equipaje de mano in 2003.

Articles Available Online

A Grenade for River Plate


June 2014

Juan Pablo Meneses

TR. Jethro Soutar


June 2014

El Polaco appears brandishing his Stanley, as he lovingly calls his pocket knife. Five young hooligans huddle round him like classroom students. He leaves...



September 2012

Crossing Over

Eleanor Rees


September 2012

As he sails the coracle of willow and skins his bird eyes mirror the moon behind cloud. Spring tide...


January 2016


Liliana Colanzi

TR. Frances Riddle


January 2016

The meteorite retraced its orbit in the solar system for fifteen million years until a passing comet pushed it...


June 2011

Beautiful Poetry

Camille Guthrie


June 2011

‘Being so caught up So mastered.’ Yeats     I was too shy to say anything but Your poems...


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